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Coordinated Care Department

Dr. Kathie MacNeil, Director
513.695.2900 ext. 2918
Kevin Stevens, Clinical Committee Coordinator
513.695.2900, ext. 2916
To make a referral for any of the services below, please fill out the downloadable referral form on the right and email to Kevin Stevens at the email above or fax to 513.695.2961.
The Coordinated Care Program provides prevention, intervention and wraparound services to support children and their families. The program serves three types of youth:
- At-risk children
- Unruly children
- High-risk, multi-need children
The goal of Coordinated Care is to support children and their families in their community and manage the number of children in residential placement.
Coordinated Care provides intensive home-based and school-based case management to high-risk children. We work with various community agencies in Warren County to provide intensive wrap-around services. We also provide preventive services such as case management and psycho-educational groups to lower risk children.
Diversion Services – The goal of Diversion is to reduce unruly behavior. Diversion provides home-based and school-based case management and behavioral modification services to unruly children and their families. The Youth Diversion Program will provide mediation services and conflict resolution for families with unruly children who approach the court. It is a state and national trend to separate the treatment of unruly and delinquent children.
Parent Success – Parent Success offers support and education for parents of children and/or teens with behavior problems. Parent Success is a free program funded by the Ohio Children’s Trust Fund which consists of home-based services and utilizes the evidence-based program, Active Parenting Now.
Clinical Committee – The Warren County Clinical Committee is a committee of the Family and Children First Council. The Clinical Committee is composed of representatives from Board of Developmental Disabilities, Juvenile Court, Children Services, and Mental Health. Clinical Committee focuses on administrating comprehensive services and care for high-risk, multi-need youth in Warren County. Coordinated Care facilitates Clinical Committee activities and is a service provider to Clinical Committee children. To make a referral to the Clinical Committee please contact Kevin Stevens, Clinical Committee Coordinator @ 513-695-2900, ext. 2916
Resource Coordinators – Children’s personal and family difficulties affect how they are doing socially and academically at school. To help at these difficult times, the school’s Resource Coordinator can assist students in becoming more successful in school and help parents learn more about resources that may help their child and family.
Resource Coordinators can assist with:
- Improving attendance
- Helping families and schools work together through difficult times
- Helping families find community resources that will promote family stability and help a child be more successful in school
- Encouraging families to increase participation in their child’s academic life
- Resource Coordinator’s services include:
- Visiting with a family at home
- Meeting with a student at school
- Accompanying a family in obtaining a needed resource when helpful
- Advocating for student/family needs
- Researching what services may be available to assist a family and child
- Post Adoption Connection to Post Adoption/Kinship Care Referral Form
- Coordinated Care Brochure
- Post Adoption Service Brochure
*In accordance with WCESC Board Policy records will be retained for 10 years from the date of closure and then scheduled for destruction.