LICENSURE and LPDC (Local Professional Development Committee)

Each employee of WCESC is required to acquire and maintain licensure from the Ohio Department of Education as required and appropriate for their position. All employees are required to provide their currently valid licensure for the coming school year by July 15th.

State law requires LPDCs in each school district to assist teachers with licensure as appropriate. The WCESC LPDC will review employees’ documentation called an Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP) to verify professional development required for licensure renewal. IMPORTANT NOTE: It is imperative you submit your IPDP in a timely manner as professional development accumulation will be counted towards your next renewal based on the date of submission of the plan.

Members of the LPDC will communicate with employees periodically about their licensure. (WCESC LPDC IRN# 013725)

Licensed employees will be notified by the Local Professional Development Committee (LPDC) after the start of each school year and assigned their contact person on the committee. If you do not hear from someone in a reasonable length of time, please contact the LPDC Support Person. For current LPDC committee members forms, and other information refer to the right of this screen.

Pupil personnel license holders are not required to report to a LPDC and include school social workers, speech-language pathologists, school nurses, school audiologists, occupational therapists, physical therapists, occupational therapy assistants and physical therapy assistants. Also not required to report to the LPDC are student monitors and educational aides (paraprofessionals) for new or renewals of permits.

LICENSURE and/or REGISTRATION FOR THOSE WHO HOLD A RESPECTIVE PROFESSIONAL BOARD LICENSE: The Ohio Department of Education issues licenses and registrations under Ohio law to professionals providing pupil services in a school environment. Beginning April 2021, pupil services providers who hold the respective professional Ohio board license may opt for the Ohio Department of Education registration rather than the pupil services license to work in Ohio schools (registrations are not available for School Counselors, School Psychologists, and Orientation and Mobility Specialists). ODE Link for more information: Pupil Services Licensure and Registration | Ohio Department of Education

LPDC Chairperson:

LPDC Members include:

LPDC Support Contact: or 513-695-2900, ext. 1312.