Happy Fiscal New Year! Governor DeWine has signed Ohio’s operating budget for fiscal years 2024-2025, making historic investments in Ohio and its citizens. Interested in reading the fact sheets on what was signed into law and how the operating budget will support Ohio’s workforce, children, communities, and economy? Visit to learn more about the DeWine-Husted Administration’s budget priorities and what it means for our great state!
If you need help connecting with or navigating state resources, please contact us. |
FY 2024 Cemetery Grant Program
The Ohio Department of Commerce has announced that the application window for the Fiscal Year 2024 Cemetery Grant Program is now open, with $104,000 in funding available to help Ohio cemeteries with maintenance and operating costs.
Registered cemeteries, excluding for-profit corporations, may apply for a grant of up to $2,500. Applicants with fewer than five registered cemeteries may apply for the grant every other year.
All application requirements and scoring information for this grant cycle are included in the grant announcement and application.
Applications are due July 31, 2023. |
Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Program
The U.S. Department of Transportation is now accepting applications for the Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods program, an unprecedented effort to build good transportation infrastructure to reconnect communities to economic opportunity. The streamlined program, which combines two different programs created by the Bipartisan Infrastructure Act and the Inflation Reduction Act, will make it easier to apply and increase opportunities for communities seeking funding for projects that undo the damage of past infrastructure planning decisions, accelerate equitable community revitalization, and improve access to everyday destinations.
Applications are due September 28, 2023. Applicants can find the Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Notice of Funding Opportunity, frequently asked questions, and other helpful resources here.
If you would like to receive program updates, please sign up for email updates. Questions can be sent to
Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program
The DeWine Administration announced state support for 38 historic preservation projects that will rehabilitate 59 historic buildings across Ohio and are expected to leverage approximately $523 million in public and private investment.
Funded through the Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit Program,16 communities across Ohio will receive awards totaling $50,560,036 in tax credits. These awards will help private developers rehabilitate historic buildings in downtowns and neighborhoods and once rehabilitated, will spur further investment and interest in adjacent properties. Owners and long-term tenants of historically designated buildings undertaking a rehabilitation project are eligible to apply for the Ohio Historic Preservation Tax Credit. For more information visit the State Historic Preservation Office. |
Ohio Public Works Infrastructure Emergency Funds
The Ohio Public Works Commission (OPWC) has $22 million available for emergency infrastructure projects, thanks in part to additional funding in the biennial budget (HB 33). The funds are available to Ohio’s local governments, sanitary districts, and regional water and sewer districts for failed infrastructure, according to the OPWC. The Director’s Emergency Fund is for projects that address infrastructure failures that pose an immediate threat to the health, safety and welfare of residents within a local government’s jurisdiction. Local governments can contact their OPWC program representative or visit Ohio Public Works Commission for more information.
Fourth Annual Ohio Grants Summit
The Ohio Office of Budget and Management will host the fourth annual Ohio Grants Summit on November 29 and 30 from 9 a.m. to noon. The two-day summit will provide a unique opportunity to connect local governments and other grant recipients across Ohio with resources and training to help them manage federal grant funds. Stay tuned to Ohio Connects for more details!
The Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program Webinar
The Notice of Funding Opportunity for a new technical assistance pilot program, The Rural and Tribal Assistance Pilot Program, is now available and will provide technical assistance grants to rural and tribal communities. Individual awards will be up to the statutory maximum of $360,000. No local match is required to participate in this program and grants may be used to hire staff or consultants to assist with early development phase activities including, but not limited to, feasibility studies, preliminary engineering and design, environmental review, revenue forecasting, financial feasibility analysis, legal and regulatory analysis, and contract drafting and negotiation.
A preview of the application is available here. The U.S. Department of Transportation will begin accepting applications on August 14, 2023.
For more details, please view the recording of the informational webinar available here. For additional DOT technical assistance resources, please visit the DOT Navigator.